Wednesday, May 18, 2011

He'll always be my friend.

I don't know how to write and I have really bad grammar. But I need to get this off my chest.

I always say I learn everything from books, the interweb and countless hours of trial and error, which is true. But the main reason for me getting into photography were 2 people. One is my good friend in Vegas that encourage me to get a camera and finally do what I do.

But the first person ever to spark my interest in this whole taking pictures thing was my friend Karl from Guam. He took photography class in high school and took pictures before I ever did. I always thought that was interested that he did that and I wanted to see if I could do it too. He was always creating something either with images or sounds. He was one of my best friends in Guam and will always will be.

On Tuesday May 17th 2011 I receive a call from other best friend from Guam in the early morning hours here in Vegas telling that Karl had a heart attack and was in the hospital. A few hours later another call came telling me that he didn't make it. My friend Karl passed away at the age of 28. Leaving a wife and 2 children.

It broke my heart and I miss him. I wish I could have spent a little more time with him. Even though I was a few months older than him I looked up to him for advice and I always trusted him. He was a good man and one of the best people I know.

You'll be missed Karl Mark O. Burce. Thanks for being my friend for all those year. I'll always be yours.

Life is short people. Do what you love and you won't regret a thing.